for 0.4 - indexing should start when you start couchdb, assuming you
added the update_notification settings.

for 0.5 (not released) - indexing starts on the first query, just like
view indexing does in couchdb. So just trigger the build by running a
query (any query) just like the same rule for trigger view building.

I should note that both versions take ?stale=ok will not block for
updates, returning search results based on what's currently indexed.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 6:52 AM, Patrick Barnes <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use couchdb-lucene to search approx 350k records - is there a way
> to have it build the indexes before starting a search?
> I don't seem to be able to get results. So far, I've gotten:
> * couchdb-lucene built and installed
> * bin/run running (as root for now)
> * couchdb configured to talk to couchdb-lucene as per the rnewson/couchdb
> page
> * a simple index function that just outputs display_name for any documents
> with that field.
> When I visit http://url:5984/mydb/_fti/couchapp/by_name?q=john - I just get
> a timed out message.
> Am I doing something wrong, or is the dataset just overwhelming the 60
> second time limit?
> -Patrick

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