On 28 Jan 2010, at 03:44, Markus Jelsma wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for your reply. I see that this might work indeed, after giving it 
> some 
> more thought, but i think i have a few issues with such an approach. It would 
> fill the database with data i don't want/need and replication would also copy 
> this extraneous data. Secondly, i cannot simply construct a view that can 
> operate on the data at hand for i would then need to construct a view that 
> operates on previously copied data, is it not?
> I believe, but am not entirely sure, that i would then prefer to use the 
> tricks as described in the wiki.
> What is the issue with added the merge feature to the Couch? Is it extremely 
> hard to do so? I'd figure the resulting view with still fit in the BTree as 
> it 
> does now, but correct me if i'm wrong :)

See http://damienkatz.net/2008/02/incremental_map.html and 
http://damienkatz.net/2008/02/incremental_map_1.html and the
comments on both.


> I understand people are fine with Hadoop offering batch processes instead but 
> it still sounds a bit funky for CouchDB, which is still so clean and neat and 
> would, in my opinion, benefit since it would be easier to query for related 
> documents.
> Again, please correct me if i talk rubbish ;)
> Cheers,
>> There are a number of ways things like this could be accomplished. One
>> I proposed recently is the facility to have CouchDB automatically copy
>> any  http view query result (local or remote) to a database full of
>> documents (one document for each row). This gives you a lot of
>> flexibility, but it is not incremental.
>> I think it's ok if it's not incremental. Hadoop is a batch process,
>> and people are fine with that.
>> The cool thing about this is it's in the HTTP domain so it will work
>> on a cluster, can be cached, etc.
>> Chris
>> --
>> Chris Anderson
>> http://jchrisa.net
>> http://couch.io
> Markus Jelsma - Technisch Architect - Buyways BV
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/markus17
> 050-8536620 / 06-50258350

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