I'm afraid it's not possible (anyone that thinks they can solve this,
please speak up!)

couchdb-lucene allows Javascript functions specifically so you can
duplicate code from your normal couch views so you can achieve the
illusion of "joins" without the (imho) intractable performance issues
that ensue.

What you ask for can be done by multiple calls from the client, which
is a typical approach for couchdb views too.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 10:14 PM, km <srikrishnamo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to call couchdb views in couchdb-lucene index functions and
> vice  versa ?
> 1) I have a set of car type  documents  with JSON structure as
> {"_id:"someid", "name":"car1", "type":"car", "year":2000,"price":400000,
> ...}
> I  do a full text indexing (including all the keys) of car type documents so
> that I can search by a keyword  and fetch the ids of the matching docs.
> 2) I have a view (map and reduce functionality) on the same docs which is
> searchable by doc ids  as key.
> I would like to pass the ids from full text search (1) into the  view (2)
> for  results to be displayed. How can this be accomplished ?
> So I was wondering if there is a better way ? or is it possible to call
> couchdbviews in couchdb-lucene index functions ?
> thanks in advance.
> Krishna

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