Hi Aexandru,

check out the "nightly builds" link on http://janl.github.com/couchdbx/
for a pre-bult binary CouchDB.


On 23 Mar 2010, at 02:32, Alexandru Popescu ☀ wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been trying yesterday to install the latest build of CouchDB [1]
> on both Mac OS 10.6.2 and 10.5.8, but even if the irc people have been
> very helpful all my attempts have finally failed.
> Here is briefly what I've tried:
> A/ Mac OS 10.6.2.
> - adapted Homebrew formula to fetch the latest CouchDB [1]
> - attempt to install CouchDB directly from Homebrew. This failed and
> the error log was posted [2]
> - install only dependencies from Homebrew and attempt a manual install
> of CouchDB. This has failed too and the error log was posted here [3]
> B/ Mac OS 10.5.8
> - adapted Homebrew formulat to fetch the latest CouchDB [1]
> - attempt to install CouchDB directly from Homebrew. This has failed
> in the configure phase:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/couchdb/0.11.0
> --localstatedir=/usr/local/var --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc
> checking for curl >= 7.18.0... can't find curl >= 7.18.0
> configure: error: Libraryr requirements (curl) not meet
> (my system reports libcurl 7.16.3)
> I have also checked the CouchDB wiki install notes [4] and an email
> thread about some issues with getting CouchDB working [5], but in the
> end I couldn't get it to work on either of my systems.
> At this moment, I am completely lost as I have no idea on how to move
> forward. I would really appreciated if someone could shed some light
> on how to get this working.
> Many thanks in advance,
> :- alex
> PS: I've been asked by the guys on irc to perform a lot of different
> checks, but I don't remember them all to reproduce them here.
> macloki:~ alex$ nm /usr/lib/libcurl.dylib | grep _curl_easy_perform
> 0002158d T _curl_easy_perform
> macloki:~ alex$ nm /opt/local/lib/libcurl.dylib | grep _curl_easy_perform
> 0001e790 T _curl_easy_perform
> macloki:~ alex$ echo $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
> <empty>
> [1] http://people.apache.org/~nslater/dist/0.11.0/apache-couchdb-0.11.0.tar.gz
> [2] http://friendpaste.com/nfvE94i1VsPiwrl8oCHMn
> [3] http://friendpaste.com/6eWtE6xNBtHgpssCEJfufh
> [4] http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Installing_on_OSX
> [5] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.couchdb.user/6329

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