I see that your problem is now solved after I replied. Go Gmail :)

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Keith Gable <zi...@ignition-project.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Walter Torres <wal...@torres.ws> wrote:
>> sc.exe create CouchDBServer binPath=
>> "L:\etc\couchdb\erts-5.8.4\bin\erlsrv.exe" DisplayName= "CouchDB Server"
> erlsrv.exe is used on the command line to install services. You
> probably need to install the service and then figure out what command
> line it tries to call. In particular, Erlang needs to know what to
> start and some settings. Erlang's command line is pretty verbose.
> I would bet that erlsrv.exe is attempting to access parts of the
> registry that can't be accessed by LocalService/NetworkService users,
> because erlsrv.exe isn't what would execute the Erlang interpeter
> anyways.
>> The GitHub that I pulled the installer from has a non-installer version;
>> meaning it is a simple 7z file. I am using that in my experiments.
> Erlang, or CouchDB?
> I would imagine both are available as binary archives, but they're not
> the same thing. CouchDB runs on top of Erlang; Erlang is used by tons
> of other stuff. Think of the relationship between Ruby and Ruby on
> Rails - Rails runs on Ruby and won't run without some sort of Ruby
> interpeter. CouchDB is executed within Erlang.
>>  3)  deep understanding of system, how it works, how to modify/config it,
>> upgrade it.
>>       * 100% there, with what I have. It took me 10 minutes to add SSL to
>> my Apache. Took another 5 for Vhosts. You can't say the same with Xxamp or
>> WAMP installers.
> FWIW, I don't like the "WAMP" installers. Apache and MySQL are easy
> enough to install properly on their own (or not install; they check
> relative locations for their configuration). You're just describing
> the standard way of configuring things in Apache/MySQL/etc. Nothing
> wrong with that, just saying that "industry standard" *nix apps are
> all pretty much the same.
>> Anyway, the info you gave (THANK YOU very much BTW) will keep me busy for a
>> bit of time. No matter how much I  think I know, too many times I feel like
>> I know nothing at all.
> I'm thinking you just need to extract Erlang into a folder, CouchDB
> into a different folder (or keep the structure you have, whichever),
> then use erlsrv.exe to install the service (like the installer does),
> and then it'll all work.

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