Well, I like Lucene, but that doesn't really help your problem at all :)

Keith Gable
A+ Certified Professional
Network+ Certified Professional
Storage+ Certified Professional
Mobile Application Developer / Web Developer

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Aurélien Bénel <aurelien.be...@utt.fr>wrote:

> > Doesn't [] come after \u9999? Couldn't you do this?
> > startkey=["language", "query"]
> > endkey=["language", "query", []]
> Thanks Keith. I tried a variant of it before. This trick is known to work
> for compound keys equality, but it doesn't work for startsWith queries
> since ["en", "curious oil within;"] > ["en", "curious oil", []]
> However, it could be a good idea to use a special character that wouldn't
> be parsed with the parameter name by the rewrite handler.
> I just tried the tilde in vain:
> {
> "from": "search",
> "to": "_view/foo",
>  "query": {
>    "startkey": [":language",":query"],
>    "endkey": [":language",":query~"]
>  }
> }
> What seems weird to me is that it doesn't work with "/" either. Even if it
> would be a bad idea in general, in this case it should be sorted after the
> space, and I thought slashes were parsed as separators by the rewrite
> handler.
> Any other ideas?
> Regards,
> Aurélien

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