ufw and shorewall are great wrappers for iptables that abstract iptables's
terminology into something better.

If you want a GUI to build the firewall config, check out FWBuilder. There
are a few others that exist as well, but I cannot remember what they're

If you're having trouble setting up CouchDB to listen on all interfaces
(, I would not suggest trying to create an operating system.

Keith Gable
A+, Network+, and Storage+ Certified Professional
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator
Mobile Application Developer / Web Developer

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Stefan Reich <
stefan.reich.maker.of....@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> thanks for the answer.
> Now it's actually done... I looked up /etc/init.d/firewall and added a line
> there according to other lines that already existed:
>     iptables -A INPUT -i $device -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 5984
> This crap (sorry) REALLY should be more intuitive. I'm thinking: graphical
> representation of ports and straight-forward editing. We'll do that in Lua
> OS. :)
> Thanks again for the help,
> Stefan

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