I've confirmed that the native view server honors that timeout, can
you tell me what;

curl localhost:5984/_config/couchdb/os_process_timeout

returns? You might need to bounce couchdb in any case, as it applies
this timeout setting when it creates the process, and we keep a pool
of them around, so changes to timeout after that won't be picked up
until they're rebuild. restarting couchdb is the quickest way to
ensure that.


On 18 December 2013 16:20, david martin <david.mar...@lymegreen.co.uk> wrote:
> Futon on Apache CouchDB 1.2 (according to Futon)
> {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"1.2.0"} according to ?
> CouchDB 1.4.0 Ubuntu according to Package name
> I set os_process_timeout 50000000000000 (effective infinity).
>  I ALWAYS get the VERY unhelpful message which merely prints the document
> contents.
> Error: timeout       % yes I know this but cannot do anything about it
> {gen_server,call,     % it's in a gen_server yes I know this!
>             [<0.14190.8>,   % this is its PID yes I know this!
>              {prompt,[<<"map_doc">>,   % it is a MAP function yes I know
> this!
> {[{<<"_id">>,<<"61c3f496b9e4c8dc29b95270d9000370">>}, % it is the document I
> am processing, Yes I know this!
> {<<"_rev">>,<<"9-e48194151642345e0e3a4a5edfee56e4">>},
>                         .....
> Yes it is a large and complex document (16K lines to make this happen on
> fast machine much less on Raspberry Pi).
> Yes it uses Erlang view function.
> Yes I DO want it to hog resources until it is finished.
> Yes I am the administrator.
> No I cannot dictate how big or small the document is.
> Yes this is important to me.
> I have not pursued this as I was using rcouch, I could not find the source
> of the timeout message.
> I did not want to have to rebuild to fix this.
> I did not want to bother the Couchdb team as I was using a fork of CouchDB.
> Simlar issues have been raised and no answers forthcoming.
> Mentions of "hidden tweaks", "this is not good for you", "have you got big
> documents"  etc.
> How do I get this NOT to timeout?
> On rcouch I would change a value and rebuild a release to fix this (if I
> could identify the source).
> If anybody can give a clue I will test their hypothesis and report back to
> the list.
> --
> David Martin

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