> On 09 Mar 2016, at 21:29, Nick Wood <nwood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking to back up a CouchDB server with multiple databases. Currently
> 1,400, but it fluctuates up and down throughout the day as new databases
> are added and old ones deleted. ~10% of the databases are written to within
> any 5 minute period of time.
> Goals
> - Maintain a continual off-site snapshot of all databases, preferably no
> older than a few seconds (or minutes)
> - Be efficient with bandwidth (i.e. not copy the whole database file for
> every backup run)
> My current solution watches the global _changes feed and fires up a
> continuous replication to an off-site server whenever it sees a change. If
> it doesn't see a change from a database for 10 minutes, it kills that
> replication. This means I only have ~150 active replications running on
> average at any given time.

How about instead of using continuous replications and killing them,
use non-continuous replications based on _db_updates? They end
automatically and should use fewer resources then.


> I thought this was a pretty clever approach, but I can't stabilize it.
> Replications hang frequently with crashes in the log file. I haven't yet
> tracked down the source of the crashes. I'm running the official 1.6.1
> docker image as of yesterday so I don't think it would be an erlang issue.
> Rather than keep banging my head against these stability issues, I thought
> I'd ask to see if anyone else has come up with a clever backup solution
> that meets the above goals?
>  Nick

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