
Firstly a very well done to everybody who worked to reach CouchDB 2.0.0.

I uninstalled my working CouchDB 1.6.1 on my Windows 10 machine.

Windows retained the Service link, however, so I removed it with regedit.

I restarted the windows machine and installed CouchDB 2.0.0.(No options
were given to choose from during install. I have actually become used to
start CouchDB manually)

The services app indicates a new service installation and that it is
running correctly.

However going to http://localhost:5984/_utils/index.html the page states:

"This site can't be reached"

The file C:\\CouchDB\erl_crash.dump includes these lines at the top:

Fri Sep 23 10:54:21 2016
Slogan: Kernel pid terminated (application_controller)
System version: Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4]

I installed CouchDB 2.0.0 on another clean install Windows 10 machine and
it installs and logs on correctly.

Is there anything I should be doing or can try to fix this.

Many many thanks.

(It's always me)


John Le Brasseur

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