On Wed, 14 Jun 2023 at 17:23, Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:

> There are no votes, no elections and there are no leader nodes.

As I see it, when there is a quorum to reach there is an implicit voting,
but never mind.

When couchdb believes nodes to be down, the quorum is implicitly lowered to
> avoid the latency penalty.

So, it is kind of a "soft quorum".

Going back to my original question: only the nodes that host the shards are
queried, but when there are not enough surviving nodes the quorum is

As a corollary, I assume that when at least one shard is no
longer reachable (no one of the surviving nodes hosts it) the cluster stops
accepting requests on that database: is that so?

Thanks for the answer,

Luca Morandini

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