Hi Mike,

Have you tried the getCoveredText() method that IdentifiedAnnotation
inherits from Annotation?

- Jessica

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Michael Trepanier <m...@metistream.com>

> Hi,
> I am attempting to run the default FastPipeline to extract various
> features from clinical text. One of the features I'd like to capture is the
> covered text. However, when running the below scala code, calling
> getOriginalText yields a "null" value for every annotation of type
> IdentifiedAnnotation. Is this by design?
> And if so, what would be a better way to extract the covered text? The
> other features I need (subject, polarity, confidence, historyOf, and
> snomed/CUI/TUI/PreferredText) I can acquire just fine. Effectively, the
> goal here is to capture every identified annotation, relevant metadata, and
> the original text (only showing my attempt at getting the covered text
> below).
> def main(args: Array[String]) {
>     val note =
>       """
>        ... (Some long  example note.)
>       """.stripMargin
>     val aed = ClinicalPipelineFactory.getDefaultPipeline
>     val ae = AnalysisEngineFactory.createEngine(aed)
>     val jcas =
>       JCasFactory.createJCas("org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.
> types.TypeSystem")
>     jcas.setDocumentText(note)
>     ae.process(jcas)
>     val index = jcas.getAnnotationIndex(IdentifiedAnnotation.`type`)
>     val iter = index.iterator()
>     while (iter.hasNext) {
>       val annotation = iter.next().asInstanceOf[IdentifiedAnnotation]
>       val fsArray = annotation.getOriginalText()
>       if (fsArray != null) {
>         for (featureStructure <- fsArray.toArray()) {
>           val featureArray = featureStructure.getType().getFeatures()
>           val strings = featureArray.map(x => featureStructure.
> getStringValue(x))
>           println(strings)
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Regards,
> Mike Trepanier
> --
> [image: MetiStream Logo - 500]
> Mike Trepanier| Big Data Engineer | MetiStream, Inc. |
> m...@metistream.com | 845 - 270 - 3129 <(845)%20270-3129> (m) |
> www.metistream.com

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