It it helps, here's a rough design of the project:

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Corey Nolet <> wrote:

> Jordan,
> Thanks for your quick response! So what I am building is a faul-tolerant
> framework for linux systems to watch over some number of processes and,
> when a process goes down and can't be brought back up (disk space, memory,
> etc...), I want the process watcher to revoke its leadership so that a
> different machine can start up the process, do any configuration necessary
> to route clients over to that machine, and assume responsibility as the
> lead for that process.
> Often times what happens is a couple physical machines go down and ALL the
> managed processes end up on a single machine.
> I'm giving the users control over groups of processes. A group would be
> "amqp broker" or "web server". Once a sys admin comes into work and
> realizes what happened, they are going to want to force the amqp broker
> back to a specific node and force the web server onto some other node. The
> way I've designed it, this means those nodes need to be forced to be the
> leaders for those groups.
> Thanks again!
> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Jordan Zimmerman <
>> wrote:
>> I’d need more details to answer concretely. But, this sounds like a
>> simple lock. Have the process that wants to be leader acquire an
>> InterProcessMutex.
>> -JZ
>> From: Corey Nolet
>> Reply:
>> Date: May 21, 2014 at 12:12:35 PM
>> To: user
>> Subject:  Force leader
>>  I have a cluster which is electing a single leader to perform
>> operations on a node until the node is deemed to be unhealthy. At this
>> time, the leader revokes itself and another leader is elected to perform
>> the operations.
>> There are times, however, when I need the ability to force a specific
>> leader. How would I implement something like this? I really don't want to
>> have to cascade through all the other nodes and tell them to revoke their
>> leadership because they will each try to run some initialization upon
>> becoming the leader and that would waste resources.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks!

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