We don't implement casts on array or map, but we do have a convert function
that will convert a complex structure to json.

You can invoke it like this:     convert_from( map_or_list_column_name,

This will return the data serialized into JSON in a varchar column.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:27 PM, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com> wrote:

> Is there an easy way in drill to convert from an ARRAY or MAP to a string
> representation of the same? I know this is an odd question, but I realized
> I just was spinning my wheels because I thought I was doing something wrong
> with JSON and KVGEN and FLATTEN but in reality, it was working fine, I just
> didn't see it because SQL Squirrel kept returning "<Unknown Type (2,002)>
> instead of the results of the function.
> I guess, if I could take the output from FLATTEN(KVGEN()) and wrap it in a
> "CAST(FLATTEN(KVGEN()))" then at least I could continue exploration.
> I know that it is a workaround for the limitations of Squirrel, but I'd be
> interested in other's thoughts on that, is there a tweak to squirrel that
> would allow that to work properly, or just casting it as needed. (Note I
> tried CAST as STRING  and CASTS as VARCHAR with not much success.

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