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Chris Matta

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Paolo Spanevello <>

> Hi,
> thanks again Jason for your support.
> I'm trying as u suggest, to apply the kvgen function. Below you can find
> the query and the error.
> *select tt.flat_intervals from (select
> flatten(kvgen(t.flat_rides.INTERVALS)) as flat_intervals from (select
> flatten(rides) as flat_rides from `dfs`.`tmp`.`provaRider`) as t ) as tt*
> [image: Immagine incorporata 1]
> Could u pls suggest how to fix this drill?
> Best regards,
> Paolo
> 2016-01-12 16:31 GMT+01:00 Jason Altekruse <>:
>> This is a poor error messages that is produced when you try to flatten a
>> field that is not an array, for these fields you can just use the dot
>> notation to access their inner members (i.e.
>> flattened_array_of_maps.member_field_in_map). If you have a field where the
>> keys in a map are "unknown" or you want to do analysis on the keys, please
>> refer to the KVGEN docs [1]. I have assigned the JIRA that reported this
>> issue a while ago to myself and will work to improve the message [2].
>> [1] -
>> [2] -
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 1:20 AM, Paolo Spanevello <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi  All,
>>> Jason,I used your suggests and it works, thanks a lot!
>>> As u wrote i used a subquery to have the all list of INTERVALS as I show
>>> below.
>>> *select t.flat_rides.tags.Athlete as Athlete,t.flat_rides.crc as
>>> crc,flatten(t.flat_rides.INTERVALS) as flat_intervals from (select
>>> flatten(rides) as flat_rides from `dfs`.`tmp`.`provaRider`) as t*
>>> [image: Immagine incorporata 1]
>>> The attribute "flat_intervals" is full of data that I would like to have
>>> separate them in several attributes as it is showed in the link:
>>> I used a new subquery to have them:
>>> *select tt.Athlete, tt.crc, flatten(tt.flat_intervals) as newflat from
>>> (select t.flat_rides.tags.Athlete as Athlete,t.flat_rides.crc as
>>> crc,flatten(t.flat_rides.INTERVALS) as flat_intervals from (select
>>> flatten(rides) as flat_rides from `dfs`.`tmp`.`provaRider`) as t) as tt*
>>> but I have this error:
>>> ERROR [HY000] [MapR][Drill] (1040) Drill failed to execute the query:
>>> select tt.Athlete, tt.crc, flatten(tt.flat_intervals) as newflat from
>>> (select t.flat_rides.tags.Athlete as Athlete,t.flat_rides.crc as
>>> crc,flatten(t.flat_rides.INTERVALS) as flat_intervals from (select
>>> flatten(rides) as flat_rides from `dfs`.`tmp`.`provaRider`) as t) as tt
>>> [30027]Query execution error. Details:[
>>> SYSTEM ERROR: ClassCastException: Cannot cast
>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.MapVector to
>>> org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.RepeatedValueVector
>>> Fragment 0:0
>>> [Error Id: a22fe80f-43e4-43cb-bb98-5541ecb92d4c on]
>>> ]
>>> [image: Immagine incorporata 2]
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Paolo
>>> 2016-01-11 17:39 GMT+01:00 Jason Altekruse <>:
>>>> Paolo,
>>>> Drill currently reads single JSON objects as single records. If you
>>>> look at
>>>> the top of your file you can see that the root of your document is a
>>>> single
>>>> JSON object.
>>>> Drill accepts two formats for individual records:
>>>> The Mongo import format, a series of JSON object one after the other in
>>>> a
>>>> file, whitespace is irrelevant, each one need not be followed by a
>>>> newline
>>>> {"a" : 1, "b" : "hello" }
>>>> {"a": 5 : "b" : "guten tag" }
>>>> A JSON array of objects
>>>> [
>>>>     {"a" : 1, "b" : "hello" },
>>>>     {"a" : 2, "b", "guten tag"}
>>>> ]
>>>> When you have a file like this you can read it using the FLATTEN
>>>> functionality of Drill to turn an array into a series of records.
>>>> select flatten(rides) as flat_rides from dfs.tmp.`rideDB.json`;
>>>> To work with the data further, you can put the flatten call in a
>>>> subquery.
>>>> Here is how you can select the first element from each records list of
>>>> INTERVALS and select one of the nested fields inside of METRICS once the
>>>> data has been flattened.
>>>> To analyze the array, you could flatten again to get an exploded dataset
>>>> with one record per interval across all records
>>>> select t.flat_rides.INTERVALS[0], t.flat_rides.METRICS.skiba_wprime_low
>>>> from (select flatten(rides) as flat_rides from dfs.tmp.`rideDB.json`)
>>>> as t;
>>>> Here you can see that individual columns can be selected next to the
>>>> flatten call, this will copy the data into each new record:
>>>> select flatten(t.flat_rides.INTERVALS) as flat_intervals,
>>>> t.flat_rides.METRICS.skiba_wprime_low from (select flatten(rides) as
>>>> flat_rides from dfs.tmp.`rideDB.json`) as t;
>>>> Happy Drilling!
>>>> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 4:23 AM, Paolo Spanevello <
>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Hi all,
>>>> >
>>>> > i'm trying to query the file that you can find in attach with drill
>>>> apache
>>>> > 1.4 . The result of this qurey is always 1 record.
>>>> >
>>>> > The query that i'm running is :
>>>> >
>>>> > SELECT t.rides.INTERVALS.METRICS FROM rideDB.json t
>>>> >
>>>> > If i run the similar query with the file donuts.json found on
>>>> > the query runs
>>>> properly.
>>>> >
>>>> > SELECT t.topping FROM donuts.json t
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks in advance.
>>>> >
>>>> > Paolo
>>>> >

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