Awesome.  I would say that the page can stay on the Ports page, and just
removing the UDP thing, and then documenting those two settings and
examples of what that means (the start port) I can try to come up with
something, Is this something Kristine would want to jump on just based on
this thread or should I formalize something and let her handle it from

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Jacques Nadeau <> wrote:

> >
> >
> > Awesome.   Is there a doc page on this?
> There should be. Sounds like a great contribution :)
> > 1. "Starts" at, that indicates if I set drill.exec.rpc.user.server.port
> to
> > say 50000, then instead of 31010, 31011, and 31012 (per the doc page)
> then
> > it would use 50000, 50001, 50002?
> >
> yep
> > 2.  What about the UDP Port it uses (46655 UDP Used for JGroups and
> > Infinispan. Needed for multi-node installation of Apache Drill.)?
> >
> We no longer use JGroups or Infinispan. No UDP needed.
> > 3.  So this can be on per node basis, in that when it registers with the
> > cluster defined in drill-override.conf, it registers it's ports so the
> > other nodes are aware of the ports without any other sort of config?
> (I.e.
> > I can have bit one start on port 31010 by default, and then have bit two
> > start at 50000, etc)
> >
> Correct. Each node registers its information in zookeeper.
> > 4. Are there any odd issues that people have seen by using non-standard
> > ports or is it built to handle that fairly easily?
> >
> I don't think it has been used a lot beyond unit tests where we want to run
> multiple Drillbits on the same node. The mechanism is fairly simple so I
> would expect major issues.

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