Thanks, Paul. This does look like a good place to start. Unfortunately, it
fails right off the bat due to the emr/common library not being available.
Not being a Ruby guy, I'm not sure where to go from here. Is there some
package that I can easily install to get that library?

- Dave

Here's the error for reference:
`require': cannot load such file -- emr/common (LoadError)
from ./setup-drill:39:in `<main>'

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Paul Mogren <>

> Dave,
> This is a little bit old/outdated but may be better than others you found:
> We haven’t gotten around to updating the overall Watershed project for EMR
> 4, which is managed differently, nor more recent versions of Drill. Mostly
> because it still meets our needs. But that has discouraged us from
> announcing the project, so I’d really like to get it done one of these days.
> Paul Mogren
> On 6/20/16, 10:29 AM, "David Kincaid" <> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had an up to date bootstrap script that installs
> and configures Drill on an AWS EMR cluster. I'm looking for one that will
> work with the stock Amazon EMR version and not a MapR EMR cluster. I've had
> too much trouble in the past with the MapR EMR bootstrap scripts themselves
> failing. Nowadays I stick to the stock Amazon EMR. I've done some web
> searching, but all I can seem to find are pretty old, outdated or in some
> cases non-existent scripts. So I know people have tried it in the past. I'm
> very new to Drill, so having something to start with at least would be a
> huge help.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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