On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 12:49 AM, Avi Haleva <avi.hal...@aternity.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm in the process of evaluating Drill as a analytic repositiory.
> I've noticed that even when idle, the drillbit process consume 20% of a
> single core constantly.
> Is that expected behavior or have I miss configured something.

I don't think that is expected. I checked my system, the drillbit CPU usage
stays at 0% almost constantly when idle.
I did see occasionally it has a glitch at 20-30% CPU usage, due to
zookeeper heartbeat traffic, I guess.

Can you collect jstack on the drillbit process to find out what is running?

Also check drillbit.out and drillbit.log (typically under /var/log/drill/ )
to see if there is anything suspicious.

HTH, and Thanks,

> I'm running drill in single node with zookeeper in a non-embeded mode (as
> I want to have more than a single connection concurrently)
> Thanks,
> Avi

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