
Please let me know if there is any setting or workaround for this.


> On Aug 29, 2016, at 6:18 PM, Sandeep Dugar <sdu...@gainsight.com> wrote:
> Input csv (filename: input.csv):
> "Id","customer_id__c","first_name__c","last_name__c","email__c","address__c","city__c","state__c","zipcode__c","careOf__c"
> "a1T410000004uG6EAI",1.0,"George","Washington","gwashing...@usa.gov 
> <mailto:gwashing...@usa.gov>","3200 Mt Vernon Hwy","Mount 
> Vernon","VA",22121.0,"!@Satya__ , ()"
> create table as query:
> create table <<storageplugin>>.<<workspace>>.`output.csv` as select * from 
> <<storageplugin>>.<<workspace>>.`input.csv`
> Resultant output (i.e. output.csv):
> Id,customer_id__c,first_name__c,last_name__c,email__c,address__c,city__c,state__c,zipcode__c,careOf__c
> a1T410000004uG6EAI,1.0,George,Washington,gwashing...@usa.gov 
> <mailto:gwashing...@usa.gov>,3200 Mt Vernon Hwy,Mount 
> Vernon,VA,22121.0,!@Satya__ , ()
> Problem:
> - The create table as output csv does not have columns separated by quotes
> - The next query on this output fails. For eg. in the below output for column 
> careOf__c the data is not complete because of the comma
> +---------------------+----------------+---------------+
> |         Id          | first_name__c  |   careOf__c   |
> +---------------------+----------------+---------------+
> | a1T410000004uG6EAI  | George         | !@Satya__ \\  |
> +---------------------+----------------+---------------+
> Two questions:
> 1. Is there a way to specify "create table as" output csv to have each column 
> separated by double quotes?
> 2. If there is no way we can specify point 1, is there a way to escape 
> "comma" in the create table output?

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