Dear Team,

I have started using Drill recently (a couple of weeks now). I am using
Drill 1.8 version on a 3 node cluster (MapR community edition).
I have some data stored in Hive tables in Parquet format. When I am reading
this Parquet data using Drill queries I am facing problem for attributes
which are stored in DATE & TIMESTAMP data types. Basically, I can't see the
correct data values which I loaded in the table while querying using Drill.
But if I read data using Hive, I can see correct data without any issues.

I have explained the problem in detail on MapR community, please refer link

I understood that for TIMESTAMP I can use the CONVERT_FROM function to get
correct value but not still sure about DATE values.

Can you help/guide me to read correct DATE stored in Parquet using Drill

I do not want to store DATE in string format as I am sure next Drill
versions will surely support reading DATE from Parquet data.

Thanks in advance!
Amarnath Vibhute

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