Regarding the list of functions (build-in or UDF), someone once
suggested that we make the functions self-documented by adding a
sys.functions table.

select * from sys.functions where name like '%SPLIT%';

return function_name, parameter_list, description etc.

This way, use could simply query sys.functions using Drill.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:02 AM, Jinfeng Ni <> wrote:
>> 4.  I think as part of developer review and pull requests that add
>> functions/functionality should require a pull request to also provide a
>> documentation update. This helps to ensure that the docs keep up to date,
>> as well as keeping users appraised of what is happening... i.e. it's a good
>> "feeling" to see a great tool like Drill "improving" with new
>> functionality.
>> Please, folks, we need to do some one time clean up (go back through pull
>> requests to ensure all functions are documented up to now) and then then
>> get processes in place to ensure ongoing updates.
> That's a good suggestion. We should try our best to keep the code and
> doc in sync.
> +1

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