I'm not sure if you can do a

select * from (CTAS ..)

The output of CTAS really is only a metric of the rows that got written by the 
various fragments. Are you able to run the query in SQLLine?

The parse error does a pretty good job of pointing out where the query appears 
to have broken the parser's semantics.  So it is possible that you need some 
escape characters to handle the query, without which, Python might be altering 
the query.


From: Wesley Chow <w...@chartbeat.com>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 2:33:14 PM
To: user@drill.apache.org
Subject: JDBC SQL parse error on CTAS

I'm seeing a funny issue where issuing SELECT statements through the JDBC
driver is fine, but when I prepend them with CREATE TABLE AS, I start
getting parse errors. If I copy+paste the query string into sqlline the
CTAS works. When the thing breaks, it gives me an exception with message


And complains about a parse error at the CREATE TABLE step. Now this is
weird to me, because it seems like the driver is automatically wrapping the
CTAS with a "SELECT * FROM ... LIMIT 0"?

An additional complication is that this isn't straight up JDBC. This is
Python calling out to the JDBC driver, so admittedly I might be throwing a
wrench in there somewhere. But it doesn't make sense to me that either the
Python layer or JDBC would modify the query in that way. I've checked the
Python wrapper source and there I couldn't find anything to indicate it
might be changing the query. I also briefly sifted through the JDBC code
and couldn't find anything as well.

Any clues as to what might be going on?


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