Hangout minutes:

Attendees: Jyothsna, Jinfeng, Pritesh, Boaz, Paul, Arina, John, Rob, etc

Arina as the release manager for 1.11.0 asked some questions about logistics of 
a new release for Drill.

Jinfeng provided some description about the workflow, like get PGP key, prepare 

Arina also want to have the team home page to include current PMC, PMC chair, 
committer information and filed a JIRA for it.

Then John did an interesting demo about how he setup a Mesos managed Drill 
cluster and access the cluster through Jupyter notebook

to run SQL queries in Drill and plot results directly in Jupyter notebook. 
Since the demo is so successful and Paul already had some conversation

with John about Mesos managing Drill cluster,  there may be some follow up 
works to come.

John, could you share the links about how you did Mesos managed cluster, and 
how you run Jupyter notebook to make Spark and Drill

communicate with each other via Spark's dataframe?  I believe the broader 
community will be very interested in the work too.



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