Not sure what is going on, but my hunch is that the outermost wrapping SQL is 
probably using the final projections to eliminate some of the columns early on, 
which "helps" avoid the NumberFormat exception. 

Perhaps adding back the other columns, one by one, should narrow down the 
source of the NumberFormatException. 

I think this is a simple but important bug, since it seems we don't know which 
column is triggering the Exception. In case there isn't an existing bug, could 
you file one for this?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Omernik [] 
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:44 AM
To: user <>
Subject: Re: Error Messages that are difficult to parse.

This is so odd...

select, a.sp, a.da, a.dp, subject_name from ( select, b.sp, b.da, 
b.dp, CASE WHEN b.tls.SNI[0] is null then '' else b.tls.SNI[0]  END as 
subject_name from `ciscojoy/2017-09-22/*.json` b  ) a where subject_name <> ''
limit 10

This query works

select subject_name from (
select, a.sp, a.da, a.dp, subject_name from ( select, b.sp, b.da, 
b.dp, CASE WHEN b.tls.SNI[0] is null then '' else b.tls.SNI[0]  END as 
subject_name from `ciscojoy/2017-09-22/*.json` b  ) a where subject_name <> ''
) x
limit 10
Fails with the

Error Returned - Code: 500
Error Text:
SYSTEM ERROR: NumberFormatException:

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 1:40 PM, John Omernik <> wrote:

> So I think I addressed the first one with
> select CASE when tbl.field.subfield[0] is null then '' else 
> tbl.field.subfield[0] end as myfield from table as tbl
> That seems to work on small queries
> but when I try to group by myfield I get
> Error Returned - Code: 500
> Error Text:
> SYSTEM ERROR: NumberFormatException:
> Which I am confused by because '' or the field isn't a number.. so not sure 
> how to troubleshoot this one either..
> John
> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 1:14 PM, John Omernik <> wrote:
>> So as a user, I got this
>> Error Returned - Code: 500
>> Error Text:
>> SYSTEM ERROR: IllegalArgumentException: You tried to read a [RepeatedInt] 
>> type when you are using a field reader of type [NullableIntReaderImpl].
>> It's a JSON dataset, the record exists in some row, and not in others, but I 
>> have no idea how to interpret this or how to handle it.  I feel like we 
>> should try to curate error messages like this to help improve them for the 
>> end user.
>> John

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