It looks like your system is trying to create the attributes table 
concurrently. Based on the name of the table, my hunch is that your workflow(s) 
is/are trying to generate tables with the same name (attributes) for use in 

The suggested way to work around this is to use a naming convention that hints 
to the report(s) that will leverage the tables.

So, instead of 2 or more reports trying to create the same 'attributes' table, 
how about you try something like .. 'attr_report1' .. 'attr_report2' , etc. ?

Also, if these tables are transient in nature, you can consider using the 
'create temp table as ...'  SQL. This will create temporary tables with the 
lifespan of the connection you're working on. The moment you close that 
connection, Drill will clean up. So, if you have multiple connections trying to 
create a temporary 'attributes' table, they will all be isolated. 

Hope that helps. Let us know how else you are using Drill.

~ Kunal

-----Original Message-----
From: Kunal Khatua [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2017 9:30 AM
Subject: FW: Drill Push to Tableau, Error - 

Forwarded from

From: Spinn, Brandi []
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 1:46 PM
Subject: Drill Push to Tableau, Error -


We are currently running a project which is utilizing the Drill push to Tableau 
function to be able to work with our data sets, we are already working with 
Tableau regarding our needs and determined that this is our best course of 
action considering how large data sets are - over 2 million rows per day.

At the moment we have several visualizations we have published, but we are 
running in an issue each morning where some of them are not updating according 
to our schedules, and when we review the logs we find some the same type of 
"fatal" errors that do not always allow the visualizations to update.

I have reached out to our account rep through Tableau for possible guidance, 
however, you might be a more appropriate resource; any help you could provide 
would be appreciated, I have not been able to find much via the internets.

Below is a sample of the error codes we are seeing, please let me know you are 
able to assist or if you need any additional information. Thank you!

Auto_AOD_Content:288 - create table dfs.tmp.attributes as select distinct 
channels.marketingname as channelmarketingname, channels.streamingname as 
channelstreamingname, channels.channelguid as channelGuid, channels.channelid 
as channelId, categories.category_name as channelcategory, CASE when 
music.channel_guid is not null then 'Music' else null end as genre_Music, CASE 
when news.channel_guid is not null then 'News' else null end as genre_News, 
CASE when sports.channel_guid is not null then 'Sports' else null end as 
genre_Sports,  CASE when talk.channel_guid is not null then 'Talk' else null 
end as genre_Talk, CASE when howard.channel_guid is not null then 'Howard' else 
null end as genre_Howard, categories.channel_name channelName from 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/Channel-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` channels join 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` categories on 
categories.channel_guid=channels.channelguid left join (select channel_guid 
from dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` where 
supercategory_name = 'Music') music on channels.channelguid = 
music.channel_guid left join (select channel_guid from 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` where 
supercategory_name = 'News') news on channels.channelguid = news.channel_guid 
left join (select channel_guid from 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` where 
supercategory_name = 'Sports') sports on channels.channelguid = 
sports.channel_guid left join (select channel_guid from 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` where 
supercategory_name = 'Talk') talk on channels.channelguid = talk.channel_guid 
left join (select channel_guid from 
dfs.root.`/SXM/archive/parsed/category-parsed-type2/2017-12-14*` where 
supercategory_name = 'Howard') howard on channels.channelguid = 

Auto_AOD_Content:304 - There was a SQL ERROR on DRILL side

Auto_AOD_Content:305 - VALIDATION ERROR: A table or view with given name 
[attributes] already exists in schema [dfs.tmp]

Data Analyst, Streaming Analytics
8650 Freeport Parkway
Irving, TX 75063
p: #817-845-3597

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