
I'm trying to get LibreOffice Base to connect over JDBC to Drill, which I have 
running as embedded on the local machine. Unfortunately, when trying to 
connect, it fails with "Failure in creating DrillConnectionImpl: 

I found this question on SO, which seems identical: https://stackoverflow.com/
but unfortunately no real answer there. And just like in this question, I have 
no problem connecting to Drill over JDBC from SQuireL SQL Client. It lets me 
run queries just fine.


* Drill 1.14, unmodified standard configuration
* LibreOffice (current version of Ubuntu 18.04)
* Kubuntu 18.04
* OpenJDK 1.8.0_181 (Since Drill has issues with Java 9+, I switched from the 
default Java 10 to Java 8, using update-java-alternatives)
* I've added apache-drill-1.14.0/jars/jdbc-driver/drill-jdbc-all-1.14.0.jar to 
LibreOffice's class path.
* LibreOffice is configured to use JRE 1.8.0_181 (instead of JRE10)


* Run drill embedded, via bin/drill-embedded.
* Create a new LibreOffice Base database.
* In the Database Wizard, connect to existing database (JDBC)
* Datasource URL: jdbc:drill:drillbit=localhost
* JDBC driver class: org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver

"Test class" now confirms the driver can be loaded, and the class is found. 
However, "Test Connection" yields: "Failure in creating DrillConnectionImpl: 
java.lang.NullPointerException". I couldn't obtain a stack trace from 
LibreOffice for further info.

The exception is thrown from within the Drill JDBC driver, but it could very  
well be Base which doesn't behave correctly, leading to this problem.

Anything else I can try?



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