Hi Memet,

Two good resources to get you started. First, please take a look at the 
documentation on the Apache Drill website [1]. Second (shameless plug here), 
we've written a book Learning Apache Drill [2]. My co-author, Charles, did a 
very nice job explaining how to set up Drill on Windows and how to query json.


- Paul

[1] http://drill.apache.org/docs/installing-drill-on-windows/
[2] https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1492032794


    On Saturday, February 23, 2019, 10:17:26 PM PST, Mehmet GÖLGELİ 
<megolgel...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi, I interested in apache drill. I am trying to make simple projects with
json an I heard I can use drill as sql engine. but I don't run and make
setup in local. Have you got an opinion. Can you help me in translate it in
windows for settings. for embedded mode. I need your help.

1- apache drill is a sql engine and queries

2- easy setting on windows as embedded mode

3- can be made simple or big json, xml, xsl,... projects

4- free

but I don't set up when I read instruction and I heard zookeeper, java in
embedded mode


but I don't set up when I read instruction and I heard zookeeper, java is
not necessariy in embedded mode

I need drill in localhost and while in my hostings in embedded mode while
doing projects using json files
2 saat önce

Who will use drill  

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