Hi Rafael, 
Can you share the python code?
-- C

> On Feb 5, 2020, at 12:48 PM, Jaimes, Rafael - 0993 - MITLL 
> <rafael.jai...@ll.mit.edu> wrote:
> I had Drill 1.16 running in embedded mode and it was running without error.
> After just switching to the 1.17 tarball and running in embedded mode, I seem 
> to get these warnings after running queries using ODBC and Python (always 4 
> of them, exact same message):
> [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/message_lite.cc:123] Can't parse message 
> of type "exec.user.GetServerMetaResp" because it is missing required fields: 
> server_meta.convert_support[506].to, server_meta.convert_support[545].from, 
> server_meta.convert_support[545].to
> The queries seem to work fine and return data as expected. Just wondering 
> what may have changed between 1.16 and 1.17, and if there is a way to 
> suppress these warnings? Perhaps the MapR driver is outdated? I've confirmed 
> that the error was introduced in 1.17, after going back to 1.16 I don't see 
> them.
> I'm Using:
> unixODBC 2.3.7
> pyodbc 4.0.28
> maprdrill

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