
First of all, I hope you and your families are all safe and healthy. Also, 
thank you in advance for your support.

I have a problem with Apache Drill conected to CockroachDB (PostgreSQL) using 
the RDBMS Storage Plugin. It works, but it is extremely slow. My experience 
with Drill has showed me a lot of scenarios where the first query is slow, due 
to planification, but the next ones are acceptable, assuming the time consumed 
by the man in the middle. However, this does not seem normal at all.

Running a small and simple query like this one: SELECT * FROM 
db_scott_centria.public.centria_raw LIMIT 1, execution times are completely 
over the limit. It takes about 15 seconds of Execution Time. Both Apache Drill 
and the database are in the same network, and a query from terminal from the 
same takes only some milliseconds. Where is the problem? What can I do to 
improve that time?

Here are some pictures with examples:



Thank you very much for your help, I hope you can help me.


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