

I hope holiday season is bringing a lot of happiness for all of us.


I am wondering if there is a way to implement the following. If Rule1 is
satisfied, Rule 2 should not be evaluated.


e.g., In the example below if the "GreaterThan10" rule is satisfied,
"GreaterThan5" rule should not be applied.  The reason being I want to
return the consequence from the first rule satisfying the condition.


<rule-set name="RuleSet1"




    xs:schemaLocation="http://drools.org/rules rules.xsd

http://drools.org/semantics/java java.xsd">





    <rule name="GreaterThan10" salience="100">

        <parameter identifier="number">



        <java:condition>Integer.parseInt(number) &gt; 10

        <java:consequence> System.out.println("Greater than 10 rule
satisfied"); </java:consequence>




    <rule name="GreaterThan5" salience="50">

        <parameter identifier="number">



        <java:condition>Integer.parseInt(number) &gt; 5

        <java:consequence> System.out.println("Greater than 5 rule
satisfied"); </java:consequence>





Thanks in advance.


Amitesh Sinha


Technical Architect

Telecom Business Unit

Patni Computer Systems



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