Hi Fabian -

Thanks Fabian, that is a helpful description.

That document WAS my source of information and it seems to also be the
source of my confusion. Further, it appears to be wrong - there is a
FoldFunction<O,T> (
that should be passed into fold()?

Separate note: fold() doesn't appear in the javadocs for 0.10.0 DataStream
So this made me look in the freshly-downloaded flink-streaming-java:0.10.0
and fold() does not appear in org
.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream either. Am I looking in
the wrong place for it? In 0.9.1, it's located in that same class with this
signature: fold(R initialValue, FoldFunction<OUT, R> folder).


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> Have you checked:
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-0.10/apis/streaming_guide.html#transformations
> ?
> Fold is like reduce, except that you define a start element (of a
> different type than the input type) and the result type is the type of the
> initial value. In reduce, the result type must be identical to the input
> type.
> Best, Fabian
> 2015-11-18 18:32 GMT+01:00 Ron Crocker <rcroc...@newrelic.com>:
>> Is there a succinct description of the distinction between these
>> transforms?
Ron Crocker
Principal Software Engineer
( ( •)) New Relic
M: +1 630 363 8835

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