Hi Deepak,

the Flink community is always open to new people who want to contribute
to the project. Please subscribe to the user- and dev-mailing list as a
starting point: https://flink.apache.org/community.html#mailing-lists

Furthermore, please read the following docs:

It explains the process the Flink community follows and you have to
follow, too.

The best way to get started with coding is to look into open tickets:

If you find anything you want to work on, let us know.


On 12/04/2015 06:58 PM, Deepak Sharma wrote:
> Hi All
> Sorry for spamming your inbox.
> I am really keen to work on a big data project full time(preferably
> remote from India) , if not I am open to volunteering as well.
> Please do let me know if there is any such opportunity available
> -- 
> Thanks
> Deepak

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