Thanks for reporting!

Would you like to fix this and open a PR?


On 12/15/2015 04:43 AM, Radu Tudoran wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe i found 2 small inconsistencies in the documentation for the
> description of Window Apply
> 1) in the example provided I believe it should be corrected to remove
> the extra > and add ")":
> |(new WindowFunction<Tuple2<String,Integer>,Integer, Tuple, Window>() {
> *...* });|
> instead of
> |(new WindowFunction<Tuple2<String,Integer>,Integer>, Tuple, Window>() {
> *...* };|
> 2) for AllWindowedStream it seems there is a need for a
> AllWindowFunction not a WindowFunction
> I would propose to duplicate the existing example to cover also this
> case, particularly that it has a slightly different interface
> |allWindowedStream.apply (new
> AllWindowFunction<Tuple2<String,Integer>,Integer, TimeWindow>() { public
> void apply (TimeWindow window, Iterable<Tuple2<String, Integer>> values,
> Collector<Integer> out) throws Exception { int sum = 0; for (value t:
> values) { sum += t.f1; } out.collect (new Integer(sum)); } });|
> Regards,
> Radu

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