
I'm writing a Scala Flink application. I have a standalone process that
exists on every Flink node that I need to call to transform my data. To
access this process I need to initialize non thread-safe client first. I
would like to avoid initializing a client for each element being
transformed. A straightforward implementation would be something like this:

val env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val data = env.fromCollection(Seq(MyKey(Some("a")), MyKey(Some("c"))))
val pool  = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Client](5)
// pool is filled here
data.map(e => {
  val client = pool.take()
  val res = client.transform(e)

However, this causes a runtime exception with message "Task not
serializable", which makes sense.

Function parameters and broadcast variables won't work either as far as I
understand. Is there a way to make this happen?


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