Hi Timur,

Shedding some light on the memory calculation:

You have a total memory size of 2500 MB for each TaskManager. The
default for 'taskmanager.memory.fraction' is 0.7. This is the fraction
of the memory used by the memory manager. When you have turned on
off-heap memory, this memory is allocated off-heap. As you pointed
out, the default Yarn cutoff ratio is 0.25.

Memory cutoff for Yarn: 2500 * 0.25 MB = 625 MB

Java heap size with off-heap disabled: 2500 MB - 625 MB = 1875 MB

Java heap size with off-heap enabled: (2500 MB - 625 MB) * 0.3 = 562,5
MB (~570 MB in your case)
Off-heap memory size: (2500 MB - 625 MB) * 0.7 = 1312,5 MB

The heap memory limits in your log seem to be calculated correctly.
Note that we don't set a strict limit for the off-heap memory because
the Flink memory manager controls the amount of memory allocated. It
will preallocate memory when you have 'taskmanager.memory.preallocate'
set to true. Otherwise it will allocate dynamically. Still, you should
have about 500 MB memory left with everything allocated. There is some
more direct (off-heap) memory allocated for the network stack
adjustable with 'taskmanager.network.numberOfBuffers' which is set to
2048 by default and corresponds to 2048 * 32 KB = 64 MB memory. I
believe this can grow up to twice of that size. Still, should be
enough memory left.

Are you running a streaming or batch job? Off-heap memory and memory
preallocation are mostly beneficial for batch jobs which use the
memory manager a lot for sorting, hashing and caching.

For streaming I'd suggest to use Flink's defaults:

taskmanager.memory.off-heap: false
taskmanager.memory.preallocate: false

Raising the cutoff ratio should prevent killing of the TaskManagers.
As Robert mentioned, in practice the JVM tends to allocate more than
the maximum specified heap size. You can put the following in your

# slightly raise the cut off ratio (might need to be even higher)
yarn.heap-cutoff-ratio: 0.3


On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 5:52 PM, Timur Fayruzov
<timur.fairu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Maximilian,
> I'm using 1.0.0 compiled with Scala 2.11 and Hadoop 2.7. I'm running this on
> EMR. I didn't see any exceptions in other logs. What are the logs you are
> interested in?
> Thanks,
> Timur
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 3:44 AM, Maximilian Michels <m...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Timur,
>> Which version of Flink are you using? Could you share the entire logs?
>> Thanks,
>> Max
>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Timur,
>> >
>> > The reason why we only allocate 570mb for the heap is because you are
>> > allocating most of the memory as off heap (direct byte buffers).
>> >
>> > In theory, the memory footprint of the JVM is limited to 570 (heap) +
>> > 1900
>> > (direct mem) = 2470 MB (which is below 2500). But in practice thje JVM
>> > is
>> > allocating more memory, causing these killings by YARN.
>> >
>> > I have to check the code of Flink again, because I would expect the
>> > safety
>> > boundary to be much larger than 30 mb.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Robert
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Timur Fayruzov
>> > <timur.fairu...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hello,
>> >>
>> >> Next issue in a string of things I'm solving is that my application
>> >> fails
>> >> with the message 'Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task
>> >> manager'.
>> >>
>> >> Yarn log shows the following:
>> >>
>> >> Container [pid=4102,containerID=container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015]
>> >> is
>> >> running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 2.5 GB of 2.5 GB
>> >> physical memory used; 9.0 GB of 12.3 GB virtual memory used. Killing
>> >> container.
>> >> Dump of the process-tree for container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015 :
>> >>         |- 4102 4100 4102 4102 (bash) 1 7 115806208 715 /bin/bash -c
>> >> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/bin/java -Xms570m -Xmx570m
>> >> -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1900m
>> >>
>> >> -Dlog.file=/var/log/hadoop-yarn/containers/application_1461341357870_0004/container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015/taskmanager.log
>> >> -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:logback.xml
>> >> -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.properties
>> >> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner --configDir . 1>
>> >>
>> >> /var/log/hadoop-yarn/containers/application_1461341357870_0004/container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015/taskmanager.out
>> >> 2>
>> >>
>> >> /var/log/hadoop-yarn/containers/application_1461341357870_0004/container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015/taskmanager.err
>> >>         |- 4306 4102 4102 4102 (java) 172258 40265 9495257088 646460
>> >> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/bin/java -Xms570m -Xmx570m
>> >> -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1900m
>> >>
>> >> -Dlog.file=/var/log/hadoop-yarn/containers/application_1461341357870_0004/container_1461341357870_0004_01_000015/taskmanager.log
>> >> -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:logback.xml
>> >> -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.properties
>> >> org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnTaskManagerRunner --configDir .
>> >>
>> >> One thing that drew my attention is `-Xmx570m`. I expected it to be
>> >> TaskManagerMemory*0.75 (due to yarn.heap-cutoff-ratio). I run the
>> >> application as follows:
>> >> HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 18 -yjm
>> >> 4096 -ytm 2500 eval-assembly-1.0.jar
>> >>
>> >> In flink logs I do see 'Task Manager memory: 2500'. When I look at the
>> >> yarn container logs on the cluster node I see that it starts with
>> >> 570mb,
>> >> which puzzles me. When I look at the actually allocated memory for a
>> >> Yarn
>> >> container using 'top' I see 2.2GB used. Am I interpreting these
>> >> parameters
>> >> correctly?
>> >>
>> >> I also have set (it failed in the same way without this as well):
>> >> taskmanager.memory.off-heap: true
>> >>
>> >> Also, I don't understand why this happens at all. I assumed that Flink
>> >> won't overcommit allocated resources and will spill to the disk when
>> >> running
>> >> out of heap memory. Appreciate if someone can shed light on this too.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Timur
>> >
>> >

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