Hello Dominik,
Thanks for the information. Since my window is getting triggered every 10 
seconds, the results I am getting before 5 minutes would be irrelevant as I 
need to consider data coming in every 5 minutes. Is there a way I can skip the 
results that are output before the first 5 minutes?
Thanks and Regards,Piyush Shrivastava

    On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 8:54 PM, Dominik Choma <dominik.ch...@gmail.com> 


You created sliding window witch is triggered every 10 seconds
Flink fires up this window every 10 seconds, without waiting at 5 min buffer to 
be filled up
It seems to me that first argument is rather "maximum data buffer retention" 
than " the initial threshold"



2016-04-26 12:16 GMT+02:00 Piyush Shrivastava <piyush...@yahoo.co.in>:

Hi all,I wanted to know how exactly sliding windows produce results in 
Flink.Suppose I create a sliding window of 5 minutes which is refreshed in 
every 10 seconds:
.timeWindow(Time.minutes(5), Time.seconds(10))
So in every 10 seconds we are looking at data from the past 5 minutes. But what 
happens before the initial 5 minutes have passed?Suppose we start the 
computation at 10:00. At 10:05 we will get the result for 10:00-10:05. But what 
are the results which we get in between this? i.e. at 10:00:10, 10:00:20 and so 
on.Basically why do Flink start producing results before the initial threshold 
has passed? What do these results signify? Thanks and Regards,Piyush Shrivastava


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