Yes, assigning more than 0.5GB to a JM is a good idea. 3GB is maybe a bit
too much, 2GB should be enough.
Increasing the timeout should not hurt either.

2016-04-28 14:14 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:

> So what do you suggest to try for the next run?
> I was going to increase the Job Manager heap to 3 GB and maybe change some
> gc setting.
> Do you think I should increase also the akka timeout or other things?
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 2:06 PM, Fabian Hueske <> wrote:
>> Hmm, 113k splits is quite a lot.
>> However, the IF uses the DefaultInputSplitAssigner which is very
>> lightweight and should handle a large number of splits well.
>> 2016-04-28 13:50 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:
>>> We generate 113k splits because we can't query more than 100k or records
>>> per split (and we have to manage 11 billions of records). We tried to run
>>> the job only once, before running it the 2nd time we would like to
>>> understand which parameter to tune in order to (try to at least to) avoid
>>> such an error.
>>> Of course I pasted the wrong TM heap size...that is indeed 3Gb (
>>> taskmanager.heap.mb:512)
>>> Best,
>>> Flavio
>>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Fabian Hueske <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Is the problem reproducible?
>>>> Maybe the SplitAssigner gets stuck somehow, but I've never observed
>>>> something like that.
>>>> How many splits do you generate?
>>>> I guess it is not related, but 512MB for a TM is not a lot on machines
>>>> with 16GB RAM.
>>>> 2016-04-28 12:12 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:
>>>>> When does this usually happens? Is it because the JobManager has too
>>>>> few resources (of some type)?
>>>>> Our current configuration of the cluster has 4 machines (with 4 CPUs
>>>>> and 16 GB of RAM) and one machine has both a JobManager and a TaskManger
>>>>> (the other 3 just a TM).
>>>>> Our flink-conf.yml on every machine has the following params:
>>>>>    - jobmanager.heap.mb:512
>>>>>    - taskmanager.heap.mb:512
>>>>>    - taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots:6
>>>>>    - prallelism.default:24
>>>>>    -
>>>>>    -
>>>>> The job just read a window of max 100k elements and then writes a
>>>>> Tuple5 into a CSV on the jobmanger fs with parallelism 1 (in order to
>>>>> produce a single file). The job dies after 40 minutes and hundreds of
>>>>> millions of records read.
>>>>> Do you see anything sospicious?
>>>>> Thanks for the support,
>>>>> Flavio
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Fabian Hueske <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I checked the input format from your PR, but didn't see anything
>>>>>> suspicious.
>>>>>> It is definitely OK if the processing of an input split tasks more
>>>>>> than 10 seconds. That should not be the cause.
>>>>>> It rather looks like the DataSourceTask fails to request a new split
>>>>>> from the JobManager.
>>>>>> 2016-04-28 9:37 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bortoli <>:
>>>>>>> Digging the logs, we found this:
>>>>>>> WARN  Remoting - Tried to associate with unreachable remote address
>>>>>>> [akka.tcp://flink@]. Address is now gated for 5000
>>>>>>> ms, all messages to this address will be delivered to dead letters. 
>>>>>>> Reason:
>>>>>>> Connessione rifiutata: /
>>>>>>> however, it is not clear why it should refuse a connection to itself
>>>>>>> after 40min of run. we'll try to figure out possible environment issues.
>>>>>>> Its a fresh installation, therefore we may have left out some
>>>>>>> configurations.
>>>>>>> saluti,
>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>> 2016-04-28 9:22 GMT+02:00 Stefano Bortoli <>:
>>>>>>>> I had this type of exception when trying to build and test Flink on
>>>>>>>> a "small machine". I worked around the test increasing the timeout for 
>>>>>>>> Akka.
>>>>>>>> it happened only on my machine (a VirtualBox I use for
>>>>>>>> development), but not on Flavio's. Is it possible that on load 
>>>>>>>> situations
>>>>>>>> the JobManager slows down a bit too much?
>>>>>>>> saluti,
>>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>>> 2016-04-27 17:50 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <
>>>>>>>> >:
>>>>>>>>> A precursor of the modified connector (since we started a long
>>>>>>>>> time ago). However the idea is the same, I compute the inputSplits 
>>>>>>>>> and then
>>>>>>>>> I get the data split by split (similarly to what it happens in 
>>>>>>>>> FLINK-3750 -
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Flavio
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Chesnay Schepler <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Are you using your modified connector or the currently available
>>>>>>>>>> one?
>>>>>>>>>> On 27.04.2016 17:35, Flavio Pompermaier wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi to all,
>>>>>>>>>> I'm running a Flink Job on a JDBC datasource and I obtain the
>>>>>>>>>> following exception:
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Requesting the next InputSplit failed.
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskInputSplitProvider.getNextInputSplit(
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.DataSourceTask$1.hasNext(
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.DataSourceTask.invoke(
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed
>>>>>>>>>> out after [10000 milliseconds]
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.ready(Promise.scala:219)
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.result(Promise.scala:223)
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> scala.concurrent.Await$$anonfun$result$1.apply(package.scala:107)
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> scala.concurrent.BlockContext$DefaultBlockContext$.blockOn(BlockContext.scala:53)
>>>>>>>>>> at scala.concurrent.Await$.result(package.scala:107)
>>>>>>>>>> at scala.concurrent.Await.result(package.scala)
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.TaskInputSplitProvider.getNextInputSplit(
>>>>>>>>>> ... 4 more
>>>>>>>>>> What can be the cause? Is it because the whole DataSource reading
>>>>>>>>>> has cannot take more than 10000 milliseconds?
>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>> Flavio

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