​I will give this a shot this morning.

Considering this and the other email "Does Kafka connector leverage Kafka 
message keys?" which also ends up talking about hacking around KeyedStream's 
use of a HashPartitioner<>(...) is it worth looking in to providing a 
KeyedStream constructor that uses a ForwardPartitioner?  This was what I was 
going to try this morning until  you gave me a path that doesn't involve 
editing flink code.


From: Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 4:07 AM
To: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Re: stream keyBy without repartition

what Kostas said is correct.

You can however, hack it. You would have to manually instantiate a 
WindowOperator and apply it on the non-keyed DataStream while still providing a 
key-selector (and serializer) for state. This might sound complicated but I'll 
try and walk you through the steps. Please let me know if anything is unclear, 

## Creating the WindowOperator
This can be copied from WindowedStream.apply(R initialValue, FoldFunction<T, R> 
foldFunction, WindowFunction<R, R, K, W> function, TypeInformation<R> 

DataStream<> input = ... // create stream from sources

TypeInformation<R> resultType = TypeExtractor.getFoldReturnTypes(foldFunction, 
        Utils.getCallLocationName(), true);

if (foldFunction instanceof RichFunction) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("FoldFunction of apply can not be a 
if (windowAssigner instanceof MergingWindowAssigner) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Fold cannot be used with a merging 

//clean the closures
function = input.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(function);
foldFunction = input.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(foldFunction);

String callLocation = Utils.getCallLocationName();
String udfName = "WindowedStream." + callLocation;

String opName;
KeySelector<T, K> keySel = input.getKeySelector();

OneInputStreamOperator<T, R> operator;

FoldingStateDescriptor<T, R> stateDesc = new 

opName = "TriggerWindow(" + windowAssigner + ", " + stateDesc + ", " + trigger 
+ ", " + udfName + ")";

operator = new WindowOperator<>(windowAssigner,
    new InternalSingleValueWindowFunction<>(function),

SingleOutputStreamOperator<> result = return input.transform(opName, 
resultType, operator);

## Setting the KeySelector/Serializer for the state
This can be copied from KeyedStream.transform:

OneInputTransformation<T, R> transform = (OneInputTransformation<T, R>) 
transform.setStateKeySelector(keySelector); // this would be your KeySelector
transform.setStateKeyType(keyType); // this would be a TypeInformation for your 
key type

now, "result" should be your pre-combined data that was not shuffled. On this 
you can key by your other type and instantiate a WindowOperator in the normal 


On Tue, 24 May 2016 at 17:45 Kostas Kloudas 
<k.klou...@data-artisans.com<mailto:k.klou...@data-artisans.com>> wrote:
Hi Bart,

From what I understand, you want to do a partial (per node) aggregation before 
shipping the result
for the final one at the end. In addition, the keys do not seem to change 
between aggregations, right?

If this is the case, this is the functionality of the Combiner in batch.
In Batch (DataSet API) this is supported, but in Streaming it is not.

If your main concern is optimizing your already up-and-running job, it would be 
worth sharing your code
(or an example with the same characteristics / communication patterns if the 
real code is not possible)
so that we can have a look and potentially find other parts of the pipeline 
that can be optimized.

For example, given that you are concerned with the serialization overhead, it 
may be worth
seeing if there are better alternatives to use.


On May 24, 2016, at 4:22 PM, Bart Wyatt 
<bart.wy...@dsvolition.com<mailto:bart.wy...@dsvolition.com>> wrote:

(migrated from IRC)

Hello All,

My situation is this:
I have a large amount of data partitioned in kafka by "session" (natural 
partitioning).  After I read the data, I would like to do as much as possible 
before incurring re-serialization or network traffic due to the size of the 
data.  I am on 1.0.3 in the java API.

What I'd like to do is:

while maintaining the natural partitioning (so that a single thread can perform 
this) read data from kafka, perform a window'd fold over the incoming data 
keyed by a _different_ field("key") then take the product of that window'd fold 
and allow re-partitioning to colocate data with equivalent keys in a new 
partitioning scheme where they can be reduced into a final product.  The hope 
is that the products of such a windowed fold are orders of magnitude smaller 
than the data that would be serialized/sent if we re-partitioned before the 
window'd fold.

Is there a way to .keyBy(...) such that it will act within the physical 
partitioning of the data and not force a  re-partitioning of the data by that 


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