Hello Radu,

Flink can handle windows paths, this alone can't be the problem. If you could post the error you are getting we may pinpoint the issue, but right now i would suggest the usual: check that the path is indeed correct, that you have sufficient permissions to access the file.

And yes, you can report problems here ;)


On 20.10.2016 13:17, Radu Tudoran wrote:


I am running a program that is suppose to read a CSV file from the local disk (I am still using Flink 1.1..i did not check if the situation is the same for 1.2). I am currently running the test on a windows OS.

I am creating the path to the file e.g. “D:\\dir\\myfile.csv”

However, I see that the CSV reader converts this to a Path object from flink core

“val inputFormat = new TupleCsvInputFormat(new Path(path), rowDelim, fieldDelim, typeInfo)” In CSVTableSource

This ends up representing the initial path as an URI and changes \ to / resulting in ““D:/dir/myfile.csv””. The problem is that this is never changed when the file is actually open and accessed which leads to an error.

…not sure if signaling this error here is the best place or if I should have used some other media..

Best regards,

Dr. Radu Tudoran

Senior Research Engineer - Big Data Expert

IT R&D Division



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