Hi Yury,

Flink's operators start processing as soon as they receive data. If an
operator produces more data than its successor task can process, the data
is buffered in Flink's network stack, i.e., its network buffers.
The backpressure mechanism kicks in when all network buffers are in use and
no more data can be buffered. In this case, a producing task will block
until a network buffer becomes available.

If the window operator in your job aggregates the data, only the aggregates
will be buffered.
This might explain why the first operators of job are able to start
processing while the FlatMap operator is still setting up itself.


2016-12-17 13:42 GMT+01:00 Yury Ruchin <yuri.ruc...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I have a streaming job that essentially looks like this: KafkaSource ->
> Map -> EventTimeWindow -> RichFlatMap -> CustomSink. The RichFlatMap part
> does some heavy lifting in open(), so that the open() call blocks for
> several minutes. I assumed that until open() returns the backpressure
> mechanism would slow down the entire upstream up to the KafkaSource, so
> that no new records would be emitted to the pipeline until the RichFlatMap
> is ready. What I actually observe is that the KafkaSource, Map and
> EventTimeWindow continue processing - the in/out records, in/out MB
> counters keep increasing. The RichFlatMap and its downstream CustomSink
> have 0 as expected, until the RichFlatMap is actually done with open(). The
> backpressure monitor in Flink UI shows "OK" for all operators.
> Why doesn't backpressure mechanism work in this case?
> Thanks,
> Yury

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