It’s good to be here. I have a data stream coming from kinesis. I also have a 
list of hashmap which holds metadata that needs to participate in the 
In my flink processor class I construct this metadata (hardcoded)

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


DataStream<ObjectNode> jsonStream = see.addSource(new 
FlinkKinesisConsumer<>("int-harvester-kinesis-us-west-2", new 
MyJsonDeserializationSchema(), consumerConfig));

DataStream<HashMap<String,String>> metaStream = env.fromCollection(metadata);

DataStream<String> outStream = metaStream

SplitterCoFlatMapFunction extends RichCoFlatMapFunction

By doing the above I can operate on my jsonStream and avail elements of hashMap 
in that processing.

I am not sure , as a next step , if I am given a rest api ,which will 
eventually give me the latest version of that metadata collection , what is the 
right way to do that call and from where , as when flink process is started the 
metadata is already prepared and propagated to the workers,where can I refresh 

What is the most correct way of doing it?



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