Hi Jordan,

it is not possible to generate watermarks per key. This feature has been
requested a couple of times but I think there are no plans to implement
As far as I understand, the management of watermarks would be quite
expensive (maintaining several watermarks, purging watermarks of expired
keys, etc.) but Aljoscha (in CC) can share details about that.


2017-02-15 2:02 GMT+01:00 Jordan Ganoff <jor...@corvana.com>:

> Hi,
> I’m designing a streaming job whose elements need to be windowed by event
> time across a large set of keys. All elements are read from the same
> source. Event time progresses independently across keys. Is it possible to
> assign timestamps, and thus generate independent watermarks, per keyed
> stream, so late arriving elements can be handled per keyed stream?
> And in general, what’s the best approach to designing a job that needs to
> process different keyed streams whose event times do not relate to each
> other? My current approach generates timestamps at the source but never
> generates watermarks so no record is ever considered late. This has the
> unfortunate side effect of windows never closing. As a result, each event
> time window relies on a custom trigger which fires and purges the window
> after a given amount of processing time elapses during which no new records
> arrived.
> Thanks,
> Jordan

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