Any reason they can't share a single RocksDB state backend instance?

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 8:44 AM, Aljoscha Krettek <>

> The problem here is that this will try to open 300 RocksDB instances on
> each of the TMs (depending on how the parallelism is spread between the
> machines this could be more or less). As the exception says, this will open
> too many files because each RocksDB instance has a directory with several
> files in it.
> One possible solution would be to increase the limit on open files but I
> don’t think that opening 300 RocksDB instances on one machine is a good
> idea for any size of machine. I think with this many patterns you could
> start thinking about writing the pattern matching yourself and multiplexing
> the several patterns in one stateful function or operator.
> @Stefan, what do you think about having this many Rocks instances?

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