Hello everyone,

I'd like to use the HiveBolt from storm-hive inside a flink job using the
Flink-Storm compatibility layer but I'm not sure how to integrate it. Let
me explain, I would have the following:

val mapper = ...

val hiveOptions = ...

  .transform[OUT]("hive-sink", new BoltWrapper[IN, OUT](new

where streamByID is a DataStream[Event].

What would be the IN and OUT types? HiveBolt executes on a storm Tuple, so,
I'd think that In should be an Event "tuple-d" ( event => (field1, field2,
field3 ...) ), while OUT, since I don't want the stream to keep flowing
would be null or None?

Alternatively, do you know any implementation of an hive sink in Flink?
Other than the adaptation of the said HiveBolt in a RichSinkFunction?

Thanks for your attention,

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