Can you show us the dependency section of your pom?

On 13.12.2017 08:25, Soheil Pourbafrani wrote:
Hey, I wrote a code using Flink and creating fat jar using maven, I can errorlessly run it on a remote cluster. Trying to run it without creating a fat jar and directly from IDE I got the error Cannot load user class for not Flink core classes. For example `Cannot load user class: org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.fs.bucketing.BucketingSink` or `Kafkaconnector things`. If I pass local jar files in *CreateRemoteEnvirnment *method its ok but passing all extra jar files is not the standard way and is time-consuming. I wish I could run Flink codes directly in IDE without creating maven fat jars. Is there any way to do that?

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