Hi group,

We have the following graph below, on which we added metrics for latency 
We have two streams which are consumed by two operators:

*         ordersStream and pricesStream - they are both consumed by two 
operators: CoMapperA and CoMapperB, each using connect.

Initially we thought that for stream consumed by two operators - that we need 
to duplicate the stream to two separate streams, so we did it using split as 
Then we understood it is not a must , and two operators can consume same 
stream, so we removed the duplicate part.
However - when checking latency - we found that latency with duplicated streams 
was much better than without duplication (about twice).

My questions:

*         Is the improved latency related to check pointing separately on those 
streams ?

*         What is the cons of using the duplication if it has better latency? 
Are we harming the state correctness in any way?

Additional Info:
The two graphs configuration appear exactly the same in execution plan\web UI:





Code without duplication looks something like:
KeyedStream<Order> orderKeyedStream = ordersStream.keyBy(field);
KeyedStream<Price> pricesKeyedStream = pricesStream.keyBy(field);


Code used for duplication:
(We duplicate streams and then do connect of pricesStreamA with ordersStreamA, 
and pricesStreamA with ordersStreamB, and keyBy as part of connect, similar to 
//duplicate prices streams
        SplitStream<Price> pricesStream = pricesStream
                .split( price -> ImmutableList.of("pricesStreamA "," 
pricesStreamB ") );

        DataStream<Price> pricesStreamA = pricesStreams.select("pricesStreamA");
        DataStream< Price > pricesStreamB= 


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