Hi Krzysztof,

you could compute the stats in two stages:

1) compute an daily window. You should use a ReduceFunction or
AggreagteFunction here if possible to perform the computation eagerly.
2) compute a sliding window of 90 days with a 1 day hop (or 90 rows with a
1 row hop).

That will crunch down the data in the first window and the second window
will combine the pre-aggregated results.

Hope this helps,

2018-02-19 16:36 GMT+01:00 Krzysztof Białek <krzysiek.bia...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> My app is calculating Companies scores from Ratings given by users.
> Only ratings from last 90 days should be considered.
> 1. Is it possible to construct window processing ratings from last 90 days?
> I've started with *misusing* countWindow but this solution looks ugly for
> me.
> ratingStream
>   .filter(new OutdatedRatingsFilter(maxRatingAge))
>   .keyBy(_.companyId)
>   .countWindow(0L).trigger(new OnEventTrigger).evictor(new 
> OutdatedRatingsEvictor(maxRatingAge))
>   .process(ratingFunction)
> 2. How to recalculate score once the rating expires (after 90 days)?
> I don't want to put artificial ratings into the stream to trigger the
> recalculation.
> Any idea how can I do it better?
> Regards,
> Krzysztof

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