
If I understood your problem correctly, you want to join two records, one
from each windowed stream.
You can do this by keying and connecting the two streams and apply a
stateful CoFlatMapFunction or CoProcessFunction to join them.

DataStream<X> windowed1 = ...
DataStream<Y> windowed2 = ...


Best, Fabian

2018-02-24 7:58 GMT+01:00 Tay Zhen Shen <tzshen.uco...@student.usm.my>:

> Hi , I'm currently working on Flink with a simple stock market
> analysis.Basically i need to have the sum of 100 element (Count
> Window)(sliding size : 10) and  also sum of 20 element(Count Window)
> (sliding size: 10) respectively. I realised that i have to calculate the
> both sum on 2 different stream respectively and so i did. Now i have 2
> streams 1 containing the sum of 100 element and the other one containing
> the sum of 20 element. Now i wanted to join the both datastream into 1
> datastream. I'm using join and i realised that it can only supports Time
> Windows and Tumbling Window? Is there any other functions that i can use to
> solve my problem?
> Example:
> records:
> date,price1,price2
> date,price1,price2
> sum to become:
> date,sum_of_price1_for_100_element,sum_of_price2_for_20_element)

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