
Currently I have a Flink 1.4 cluster running on kubernetes based on the
configuration describe on
with additional config for HA with Zookeeper.

With this I have several Taskmanagers, a single Jobmanager and I create a
container for each job to perform the Job submission and manage Job updates
with savepoints.

I'm looking into what would be needed to migrate to the new architecture on
FLIP6 as we are planning to use Flink 1.5 once it's ready. 

If I understand correctly from
and the current code on master:

* Taskmanagers would continue the same, i.e they will execute the
taskmanager.sh start-foreground  script, which with the flip6 mode activated
will execute the new taskexecutor.TaskManagerRunner.

* We will have now one Job Manager per Job which is really good; but I don't
fully understand how this would be started.
I notice that the jobmanager.sh with flip6 mode activated will execute
entrypoint.StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint but I don't see how we could
pass the job jar and parameters (?)

So I think the other possibility to start the job would be via the /flink
run/ command with maybe an option to tell that we are creating a job with
job manager or would be this the default behaviour ?

Or would be this the role of the JobMaster ? I didn't take a look to its
code but it's mentioned on the flip6 page. (however I don't see an
entrypoint from the scripts (?))

Could you help me to understand how this is expected to be done ?

* Also I'm not sure to understand whether it would be better to have a
ResourceManager per job or a single ResourceManager per cluster, as in the
page is stated that there is a ResourceManager for
Self-contained-single-job, but it seems to me that it needs to have the
information about all JobManagers and TaskManagers (?)

Thanks in advance for the help you could provide.

I'm interested in using Flip6 on kubernetes when it will be ready, so I
could help with some testing if needed. 


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