Hi Christophe,
I think what you want to do is "stream join", and I'm a bit confuse that if you 
have know there are only 8 keys   then why would you still like to use 16 
parallelisms? 8 of them will be idle(a waste of CPU). In the KeyedStream, the 
tuples with the same key will be sent to the same parrallelism. 

And I'm also a bit confuse about the pseudo code, it looks like you regard that 
the tuple with the same key in stream A will always arrive before the tuple in 
stream B? I think that can't be promised... you may need to store the tuple in 
stream B in case that tuple in stream B arrive before A, and do the "analysis 
logic" in both flatMap1() and flatMap2().

Sihua Zhou

On 04/12/2018 15:44,Christophe Jolif<cjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Chesnay (and others).

That's what I was figuring out. Now let's go onto the follow up with my exact 

I have two streams A and B. A basically receives "rules" that the processing of 
B should observe to process.

There is a "key" that allows me to know that a rule x coming in A is for events 
with the same key coming in B.

I was planning to do (pseudo code):

      -> store in a ValueState the rule 
      -> use the state to get the rule, transform the element according to the 
rule, collect it

I think it should work, right, because the ValueState will be "per key" and 
contain the rule for this key and so on?

Now, what I really care is not having all the elements of key1 in the same 
parallelism, I just want to make sure key1 and key2 are isolated so I can use 
the key state to store the corresponding rule and key2 rules are not used for 
key1 and conversely.

So ideally instead of using 8 parallelisms, in order to use the full power of 
my system, even with 8 keys I would like to use 16 parallelisms as I don't care 
about all elements of key1 being in the same parallelism. All I care is that 
the state contain the rule corresponding to this key.

What would be the recommended approach here?

Thanks again for your help,

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 9:31 AM, Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org> wrote:

You will get 16 parallel executions since you specify a parallellism of 16, 
however 8 of these will not get any data.

On 11.04.2018 23:29, Hao Sun wrote:

From what I learnt, you have to control parallelism your self. You can set 
parallelism on operator or set default one through flink-config.yaml.
I might be wrong.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 2:16 PM Christophe Jolif <cjo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Imagine I have a default parallelism of 16 and I do something like


Now let's imagine I have less than 16 keys, maybe 8.

How many parallel executions of the flatMap function will I get? 8 because I 
have 8 keys, or 16 because I have default parallelism at 16?

(and I will have follow up questions depending on the answer I suspect ;))



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